Kamming Luthier dedicação e amor ao instrumento musical. A arte criada na oficina da Luthieria Kamming, onde a madeira bruta se transforma em música. Thiago Kamming #arte #kammingluthier #luthieria #feitoamao #handmade #desde1997
Thank Fabio tattoo Esteio! The autographs of the band Queen are now for all my life in the skin, high aa meat by phenomenal play their strokes. Thank you Alan Brocky by photographic records, turning dreams into memories for eternal life photo that crosses generations. Thank you for your compliments Brian May guitar that fabricated out and the autograph on my skin, your music and your full attention. Thank you Roger Taylor – Official for their warmth and respect and his music. Thank you Adam Lambert because it was very humble me and even scared when I spoke of the tattoo. Thanks to all who enjoy Kamming, respect musical instruments manufacture and regulate and thank you for sharing this dream ever comes higher. Affectionately, Kamming Luthier